Thursday, May 9, 2013


Inspiration post nummero 5! My last post was in October so it was time for a new one. I always get a lot of inspiration from other blogs. When I do not know what to wear I most of the time go to one of these blogs. And it is also really nice to just scroll through these blogs :) I actually want everything on every pic, still searching for the perfect cap.. But there is a but, I told to myself that I am not gonna purchase clothes these one or two months. Ok a jeans cause my mom putted my fav jeans in the dryer, now I ordered a new one. But that one does not count! I have so much clothes that my door do not want to close and that means something (or my closet is too small), I am going to make outfit with the items that I have. And that is also what I like to do being creative with clothes :) So I am very curious how long I am going to keep this up!

Hope you enjoyed this inspiration post! Adios amigos I am going to the city hihi.. without money.

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