Sunday, May 19, 2013


A dungaree, in Dutch we call it a 'tuinbroek' and that sounds so.. so childish. First I was not into dungarees (when I was younger I hated it) but now oh my I love it! It is maybe an item that I will wear two or three times and that people will look at me again and again like 'is she wearing a dungaree?'. God that city that I live in, I am now at a point that I do not care at all so this dungaree came just in time! I saw this one at the C&A rooftop party and I was very surprised that it was from C&A. In the goodiebag was a giftcard to buy something and my choice was easy, this dungaree :) Still too cold to wear outside but I had to show it. What is your thought about dungarees? Really curious!

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