Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Fashion Attacks is one year! Never expect it, one year, it went so fast. I am really happy that I started with blogging. On the 2th of May I uploaded my first post (here) and I still don't know why I started THAT day. I know why I started a blog, because I wanted to share with you all what I wear and just to have a 'thing' for myself. I keep blogging and blogging cause I like all the sweet comments, also I have days that I say to myself that I stop. Most of the time it is because there is no one to take photos (like today, ugly wine bottle haha). But every single time I am so happy that I still blog. Blogging gives me a positive 'thing', you meet new people, fun events. It helps really good when you are insecure or shy, like I was.

This blog has changed my life and I really want to thank every single one of you that visit my blog every time! I am really happy and I am gonna celebrate the first year of Fashion Attacks tonight!

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