Thursday, May 30, 2013


Love to make wish lists with items that I might wanna have. This one with a lot of summer items. A new bikini (that I actually do not need but I buy one every year), sunglasses that I also do not need and a shirt, but I already have a lot of shirts. It is still welcome! What I do need is a pair of sandals, I have got a pair from the Zara but they have a heel. I need flat ones. I saw some pretty pretty ones and I might gonna buy them, with my eyes closed cause the price was a bit expensive for sandals. What is your limit for sandals? I am curious about that! I really can not wait for summer, they say that it is going to be better weather here in Holland so I hope that this Sunday the sun will shine. Maybe time for shopping and drinking coffee on the terrace! Fingers crossed :)
Enjoy your Friday.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Zara blouse, heels - H&M jeans, bag - Primark & Bijou Brigitte bracelets - Fashionology necklace

Double blue with my favorite blouse ever! The color is so perfect. And yesterday was the last day that I wore these heels, two days full of sun and a really nice temprature but today we have rain and rain and uhm yeah rain! Does somebody wants to change from country?.. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013


H&M jacket, baseball shirt, bag - Mango jeans - Sacha shoes

Wearing my new comfy baseball tee, definitely one of my favorite shirts of the moment. How I hate shooting with a breeze, hair is everywhere and that is not always very pretty on photos. But let's stay positive the sun was shining! There is a new week and it is already June, my time at the internship is almost over and I do not want to leave. Next year I have to get back to school, although school is fun with friends but working fulltime can be pretty fun too. But first I have my summer holiday! Enjoy your week :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Yeah you see it good, heels next to home made meatballs. Both things that I really like! Made a new photo diary with photos that I post on Twitter or Instagram. Bought couple weeks ago beautiful flowers for on my room, the C&A party with the blogger girls, editing photos, Stylight, new heels and a jeans that I returned to H&M but I needed your opinion first. And all the other photos speaks for them self! I am not gonna write a huge story cause I am in the middle of an episode of The Vampire Diaries, these days I am really into series. This one is so addicting! Do you have a favorite one? Curious what you guys watch when you have nothing to do and just relax with a cup of tea :) 
I know what I am gonna do this whole weekend hihi 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Bershka blazer - H&M top, bag - C&A pants - Zara heels - Fashionology necklace

And again C&A surprised me with this pants. I was searching for the dungaree but I also found
this pants, well Sharon first :) I am so happy with this item, it is comfy but can look beautiful with heels. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


A dungaree, in Dutch we call it a 'tuinbroek' and that sounds so.. so childish. First I was not into dungarees (when I was younger I hated it) but now oh my I love it! It is maybe an item that I will wear two or three times and that people will look at me again and again like 'is she wearing a dungaree?'. God that city that I live in, I am now at a point that I do not care at all so this dungaree came just in time! I saw this one at the C&A rooftop party and I was very surprised that it was from C&A. In the goodiebag was a giftcard to buy something and my choice was easy, this dungaree :) Still too cold to wear outside but I had to show it. What is your thought about dungarees? Really curious!

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Again, I am nominated for Look of the month on the website of the Dutch magazine Cosmo Girl! But, there is a but this time I WANT to win! I battle with these other two blogger girls who I know and they both have an awesome style too. I still want to win and what do you have to do, just ONE thing. You only have to click HERE or on the photo, you will see on the right a vote box, click on Anita (Fashion Attacks) that's all! And you will make me very happy if you would do that. I will be featured in their magazine, how awesome would that be right?! :) You can vote till Monday!
I cross my fingers. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


H&M jacket, bag - Zara checked blouse - The Sting jeans - Primark loafers

Days that you not want to dress over the top, this was a day. Jacket, blouse and shirt but
to make it more feminine I wore these loafers. I was in a real heels off day! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Yesterday I went to the Sarenza presentation for the new shoe collections and it was their first year anniversary! For who do not know what Sarenza is, Sarenza is the biggest online shoe store from Europe. They started last year in Holland. Every year they add new brands to their shop and I had the opportunity to see them! The presentation was in Amsterdam at Linden & Barbosa PR, what a beautiful office and super nice people. There were a lot of balloons, cupcakes, cake pops and of course shoes! Shoes everywhere! We had a presentation about the new trends like grunge, prints, dark purple and burgundy, but also metallic, black and sneakers. I saw beautiful shoes, the heels with the black snake print is my favorite! There is a lot of choice for everyone, for more >
I had a lovely day!

Monday, May 13, 2013


WE trenchcoat - Zara leather jacket - H&M jeans (old), bag - Fashionology necklace

Yes it is finally time for the trenchcoat, well my moms trench. How I love to take a dive in her closet! Cause it was not very warm to wear only a trench I did this Zara jacket underneath. For today I have a lot to do, going with Sharon to Amsterdam for some amazing events! It will be fun :) What I only need to do is to pick an outfit tututu I do not know what to wear! And curly or straight hair.. You will see it soon! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Inspiration post nummero 5! My last post was in October so it was time for a new one. I always get a lot of inspiration from other blogs. When I do not know what to wear I most of the time go to one of these blogs. And it is also really nice to just scroll through these blogs :) I actually want everything on every pic, still searching for the perfect cap.. But there is a but, I told to myself that I am not gonna purchase clothes these one or two months. Ok a jeans cause my mom putted my fav jeans in the dryer, now I ordered a new one. But that one does not count! I have so much clothes that my door do not want to close and that means something (or my closet is too small), I am going to make outfit with the items that I have. And that is also what I like to do being creative with clothes :) So I am very curious how long I am going to keep this up!

Hope you enjoyed this inspiration post! Adios amigos I am going to the city hihi.. without money.