Sunday, May 4, 2014


Fashion Attacks outfit ootd Van Tilburg Online Amsterdam
Fashion Attacks outfit ootd Van Tilburg Online Amsterdam
Fashion Attacks outfit ootd Van Tilburg Online Amsterdam
Fashion Attacks outfit ootd Van Tilburg Online Amsterdam
H&M trench coat, slip-ons - Persunmall white blazer - Vero Moda t-shirt by Van Tilburg Online - Primark jeans - Vintage belt

Lost for words with this blue t-shirt. Last week I went to Amsterdam to meet Wendy cause I had to pick up a pair of new slip-ons. You will see soon which one! When we were in Amsterdam we had to take photos for an outfit post of course. Sadly it was raining all day and we had to wait for a couple of hours. When it was finally dry enough to shoot we found this place on our way to the station. We thought it was a good and perfect place... until we were taking the photos. A lot of tourists came and they did not even could take a few steps to the left. No they had to be in the middle of the photo. Great! Even though it was fun cause we laughed a lot about it. Always things happen when you want to shoot an outfit. Life of a blogger!

Today I am gonna finish my business plan. Well I hope! I am so done with it. In the afternoon I will go to Haarlem for 'bevrijdingspop'. Definitely will be fun with my friends. And this is my last day of my holiday. Yesterday I counted the weeks that I have till my graduation. SIX WEEKS! Unbelievable. Can not wait to graduate. For now I am gonna work on my business plan and then it is time to party! Hope you all have an amazing day.

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