Monday, April 1, 2013


The month March got more days, that's why the 9 outfits. There were more days, but it flew by faster then February. I know it for sure, 2013 goes faster! March was a good month, I had a few events which was fun with Sharon, I bought a new phone and now I have Instagram (addicted, Candy Crush too!) and I ordered New Balance sneakers. Hope they are here with 2 days. More about that later of course. 

At the end of March my inspiration for outfits went down, when I was standing in front of my closet I just didn't knew what to wear. My mood to shoot outfits was bad so I hope that April will be better! It was also the weather, with easter we had snow and it's still a bit windy. But I write this now (1 April 4 pm) outside in a no windy corner of the backyard. WITH SUN! Weather you are doing your job :)  Do you have a favorite outfit? Let me know.

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