Sunday, April 14, 2013


H&M jacket, fishnet tee, jeans - Zara blouse 

Wearing a light jeans is not my cup of tea, but when they told me that it was going to be pretty nice weather here in Holland I had to dress me brighter. And that new thing to wear a blouse/jacket on your waist, oh I like it! Especially with a checked blouse so I did. First I didn't want to post this outfit, what I have is that when I see outfits it in the mirror I think yes I'm gonna post this! But then I see it on the photos and it's like, hmm not that special. Maybe it's also the way it's been photographed, I really need to learn how a camera works. I always shoot outfits on automatic, I'm just lazy to learn it.. Want brighter and sharper photos with a feeling when you see it. If I want that, I have to learn how a camera works, I think it's time. So I hope you like the outfit, if not, be patience I will upload a new outfit soon. It will be a more summer outfit, with color! If the weather works with me :)

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