Tuesday, April 30, 2013


It's the last Queensday, next year it will be on the 27th of April and then it will be Kingsday! Today I'm gonna celebrate it with my friends in Leiden with a festival, drinks and lot's of fun. We all do that in style... Well no. Flags on our cheeks, ugliest orange shirts with 'Bea bedankt' (Thank you Bea) and more crazy clothes! I can't wait to go and I really have to hurry up but I just had to show you how I look.. Now I only have to polish my nails orange and choose a jacket to wear. Thank god the weather is good! To all the Dutch people, enjoy the last Queensday! :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013


WE jacket - Zara shirt, heels - The Sting jeans (old) - Hans Anders sunglasses

The weather gets better and better so when I received these Zara heels I could not wait to wear them. First I thought it was to cold to wear but it was actually very nice! It has the perfect hight and the heel is not to thin, I am sure I am gonna wear them a lot. When I was touring with my mom in the city yesterday, we saw this wooden shelter and how amazing is it?! I really like how the photos turned out :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Yes comfy heels exist. I saw these heels on the Zara website a few weeks ago and they attract my attention. When I was scrolling through some blogs and saw these babies again, I could not resist and I just had to buy them. The mailmen delivered them this morning so when I stepped out of my bed I could not be happier. It's not real leather and the strap at the toes hurt a bit, but there is tape since my feet are so sensitive for not leather shoes. They just want the best from the best. Now I have to do some 'orange color' shopping, it is almost the 30th of April and that means koninginnedag! (queensday) How I hate orange.. Do the Dutch people here have plans? 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Pull and Bear overall - Daniel Wellington watch - H&M necklace - Zara heels
Pull and Bear printed pants - Adidas men shirt by Zalando - Sacha open ankle boots

Oh yes if I had you all! The item that I really want is the dungarees from Pull And Bear, a big trend now and I can't wait to order it. But it's also an item that I might wear 2 or 3 times.. The Daniel Wellington watch is gorgeous, so classic! Then the Adidas shirt, I already told that I was searching for a shirt like that. Now I steal the shirts from my brother, that he don't really like. The cut out boots from Sacha is also a must for me, what I like is that you see your feet in it. It's not very sexy but it has something right?! The other items speak for themselves, beautiful. Oh I need to plant a money tree!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Zara oversized blouse - H&M jeans, hat, bag - Asos bandrings - Picure boots - Hans Anders sunglasses

A blouse that always wanted, a boyfriend blue blouse. I don't have a boyfriend, my brothers don't wear it so I had to buy it by myself. And since the Zara has amazing blue blouses I couldn't resist this one. It's a simple outfit, but the blouse gives this look so much more because the color and the texture. Wish I could wear it everyday, even like pajamas.. :) 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


A new skirt/shorts, oversized blouse, necklaces, sunglasses and earrings! Yes my weekend started good. I finally found the skirt/short (that you see on every blog) at Zara. Not the white one that I wanted but the blue one. Something different, something beautiful. Also took this blue oversized blouse with me that you'll see soon in an outfit post! These earrings are a new addiction for me, how feminine can you feel with these. I love it. Now I'm gonna enjoy the sun on this lovely Sunday with my new sunnies and a latte! Enjoy your day!

Zara blouse, skirt - H&M necklace - Hans Anders sunglasses - Bijou Brigitte silver hoops

Thursday, April 18, 2013


ONLY blazer - Adidas men shirt - H&M skirt - New Balance sneakers

A combination that I like (oh my I like a lot these days), a skirt with sneakers. Its a bit too cold to go bare leg but I absolutely can't wait. Another thing are the shirts with a big logo from Adidas or Nike. I can't get enough, I don't have a shirt by myself but my brother does. Yes I ask permission if I could wear it :) now it's time to buy one for myself, a white one with a big Adidas logo! Let me know what you think. And sorry for the I have to pee look on the third photo, when I shoot I always do weird poses. Some bloggers will regonize that haha :)

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Only jacket - Primark shirt, loafers - Bershka pants - H&M bag - Fashionology bird skull necklace

Oh yes I'm definitely feeling spring, the sad thing is that I have to work full time. I shot these photos in the park and it was around 8 o'clock in the evening, how lovely the weather was! Everybody was running, skating and just having fun in the park. Love to see other people enjoying this weather. Wearing this pants gives me even more spring feelings, it's bright and it has the perfect color! I didn't doubt to wear it when they said it was going to be 18 degrees :) A very colorful outfit, don't wear color very often, but oh I really like it!

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Sunday, April 14, 2013


H&M jacket, fishnet tee, jeans - Zara blouse 

Wearing a light jeans is not my cup of tea, but when they told me that it was going to be pretty nice weather here in Holland I had to dress me brighter. And that new thing to wear a blouse/jacket on your waist, oh I like it! Especially with a checked blouse so I did. First I didn't want to post this outfit, what I have is that when I see outfits it in the mirror I think yes I'm gonna post this! But then I see it on the photos and it's like, hmm not that special. Maybe it's also the way it's been photographed, I really need to learn how a camera works. I always shoot outfits on automatic, I'm just lazy to learn it.. Want brighter and sharper photos with a feeling when you see it. If I want that, I have to learn how a camera works, I think it's time. So I hope you like the outfit, if not, be patience I will upload a new outfit soon. It will be a more summer outfit, with color! If the weather works with me :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Since I've got my new phone I'm addicted to Instagram, not that I upload photos 24/7, but It's fun with the filters. What I also like is that I can show more of my personal life to you all, I like my privacy but little peeks in my life are fun to watch right? I like to see it at other people too :) So here is my photo diary 5! Not all the photos, I made a selection of the ones that I like otherwise it would be a looong post. I kept myself warm at the fire, so much to read so little time, wine with the girls, bags at the Smaak Amsterdam store, cocktails & coffee! I kinda hate people who make photos in a mirror but I had to upload this picture cause I like this one :) CreamPR event, dinner at La (Cub)anita haha, sunnies and the other photos tell their story by it self. Hope you like it and don't forget to follow me on Instagram if you want to see little peeks into my life! @fashionattacks 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


ONLY blazer - H&M blouse, jeans, bag - Fashionology necklace - New Balance sneakers by Men at Work

What a lovely day, I shot these photos last Sunday and the weather was amazing! Now I'm back wearing beanies.. I finally found the white jeans, it's the cheapest one at H&M and it fits perfect. Find it here! I don't wear this blouse very often, don't know what it is cause I really like it but I always think it's too grey when I wear it with a black jeans. And I'm wearing my New Balancies yay! I love all the different comments on the post 'Love it or Hate it'. Really like the thing that everybody has a different taste and opinion. *Cough* sorry for the socks..