Saturday, March 9, 2013


H&M knit, top - Primark skirt, necklace - Sacha heels - Asos bandrings

Ella ella ey ey under my umbrella! 
What a horrible weather, the only option was to shoot with an umbrella. Today is a relax day and I bought a new phone, my blackberry died. RIP. Maybe it's better, my blackberry annoyed me so many times that I wanted to throw out of a window! Now it's a Sony Xperia, not expensive and it has everything. Now I can buy more clothes :) hihi A new skirt and I bought yesterday a super cute horse/cowboy blouse, it sounds weird I know. You will see it soon! Well I'm gonna enjoy my weekend, don't know what I'm gonna do tonight.. Watching Skyfall or an other movie, it will be hanging on the couch! Tomorrow I'm going to Utrecht with Sharon from for the Webshop Till You Drop event. It will be fun! Do you have plans? Always curious what you guys are gonna do! 

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