Thursday, March 7, 2013


A new photo diary, I post these photos and more on Twitter! Do you want to be first, follow me! 
I love to take photos to show you more of my personal life. I don't do it a lot, it's sometimes
just a little peek into my life! I study for Graphic Designer and right now I'm doing my internship, well
my second and last internship. I take photos of that too because I live there 24/7 and to show you what I'm
doing there (like pic 3, 5, 12), it's not that I show the designs. That's not possible, but more what I experience
and if I see inspiring things like the spread. I can't find the right word now.. GRRR. But enjoy this
diary and your weekend! This week went fast oh my. If every week goes this fast it will be summer soon!

What are you looking at:
Skirt from Zara that I want! - New tartan scarves
My first internship report, made an agenda - Outfit of the day
A beauty spread in a magazine that I really like - Edit photos from the YBS event
My first interview on - New business cards :) 
At YBS event with Sharon & Janneke! - Photobooth time!
Armcandy on work - Judith brought some lovely Lancome products, so sweet!
Beautiful pink sky - An old one, me with bangs and long hair!

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