Saturday, March 30, 2013


VILA jacket - H&M denim jacket, shirt, bag - Primark skirt - Sacha heels

Oh I love this skirt. When I was younger I hated skirts, especially with tights. Tights were my biggest nightmare. That feeling around your feet and then you have that other thing, you have to pull it on. Took to long, then I was wearing the wrong side. Just give me a jeans. Now when I'm older it has changed. I'm wearing this skirt more and more and I love to make it not that girly.. I'm still not a real skirt/dress girl but you know, everybody is different! Do you have items that you hated to wear or still do? Curious!

Happy easter everyone, I'm gonna eat myself sick with chocolate easter eggs. Nom nom.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Not a new short or jeans. But it's a new short for me, do you get it? Let me explain. This jeans was from my mom first and last week there was somehow a rip in it. The next day we went shopping and she bought 3 jeans for herself. Yes mom that rip was suddenly in your jeans.. Just an excuse to buy! :) She always say that to me when I clean out my closet "now you have an excuse to buy more". No my mom really deserved these new jeans so I'm really happy for her. Don't mind that rip and since we have the same size this short fits perfect! The only thing that is missing is a nice temperature, but you can also wear it with tights of course :) Enjoy your day! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


The Sting parka - Zara leather jacket, blouse, shirt - Primark jeans - Sacha heels

The weather in Holland makes me sad, it's since the 20th of March officially spring but I can't feel it. Wearing a parka, beanie and a huge scarf because it's so cold. Last year with easter it was above the 20th degrees.. Can't believe it! I shot these photos last weekend and is was so windy to make good photos, so sorry for my face :) The last few days there is more sun so let's hope together that the spring temperatures come soon. For now this parka will keep me warm, with lot's of layers underneath!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Nail polish is my best friend, I wear it all the time. The only difference is that I wear dark colors in winter and bright colors in spring. I sometimes try to wear bright colors when it's winter but I just hate it. It don't fit with my clothes and I think it's to happy.. not that I'm not happy when it's winter! Not at all :) But since I don't feel the spring (cold!), I gave it a try and brought the spring by myself with this wonderful bright color by Lancome! It's not to orange or to red, this one has a chance to become my favorite.. for the summer!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


ONLY jacket - H&M fishnet tee - Zara jeans - Bullboxer boots - Primark necklace

Saturday was a good fun busy day! Went to Amsterdam with Sharon from for some shopping and the NSMBL blogger sale. I bought nothing, literally nothing! Okay a caramel cappuccino and a caramel shortbread... does that count? I'm still searching for the perfect white jeans and I just couldn't find something. Sometimes I have those days that there is nothing in the stores that I like, annoying cause I wanted to buy SOMETHING. No worries, it's also a good thing I saved money. In the evening I had a birthday from my best friend so we went out for dinner at Woodstone! Delicious and so much fun. We don't see each other a lot, but it's always fun when we are back together! Lachen gieren brullen in dutch :) For now I'm gonna test my new milk frother (is that a word?..) and I can't wait. Latte machiato everyday! Enjoy your Sunday

Thursday, March 21, 2013


H&M coat, shirt - The Sting denim blouse - Zara pants, necklace - Primark loafers - Asos rings

One of my favorite pants, don't wear it a lot. But when I wear this pants I keep thinking 'wear 
this pants more!'. Can wear it with everything and what I really like is this pants with other prints. 
Like the striped shirt, now I have it more on the background. And mom here you have me with 
curly hair, my own hair! She always say 'I miss the curly hair, you have to do curly hair again'. 
Here it is :) now I'm gonna cycle to work, gloves on, beanie on, scarf around my head and GO!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Welcome home new love! When I first saw you I knew I had to bring you home. But I was not sure,
was it the price or again a jacket with leather sleeves? I don't know. After 3 hours of shopping and 
thinking of you I came back. For you. The price, the leather sleeves it doesn't matter. Oh I love you! 

Meet my new jacket, yes again with (fake) leather sleeves but isn't it a beauty? A tiny bit of color 
and the mix with leather and the soft fabric. I'm in love guys. Can't wait to show it in an outfit post
and to show the jacket better! Only jacket

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Primark blouse, shirt, jeans - H&M bag - Bullboxer boots

Another 'A day in'. I'm gonna try to do something every weekend and to make photos for you guys. 
A little photo diary :) This weekend I went to Haarlem with my mom. Shopping time! It was lovely
weather, open coat and sunglasses on! It's not a very special outfit, in the morning I was standing in
front of my closet and I just didn't know what to wear. I grabbed some pieces and et voila! This is the result.
Oh and I bought a beautifuuuul coat, more about that later. I keep you in suspense! :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013


9th photo by Sharon, last photo by Mr Perezident

Last Thursday I went to the store opening of Smaak Amsterdam. A gorgeous shop with gorgeous colorful leather 
bags! I have one word for it, beautiful. It's a real 'Amsterdam' brand with a small team behind the bags and you could really feel in the shop that they are proud of their bags. Every season they have a different collection. From new colors to new sizes! I had so much fun with Sharon, there were delicious bites, nice people and cocktails! I really want to go back someday to buy a bag from Smaak. First I have to save some money! Money tree where are you?
Can't wait? They have an outlet store at the Prinsenstraat 16 in Amsterdam! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Bershka blazer - Mango shirt - Primark skirt, necklace - H&M bag - Asos rings

Some red
The sun WAS shining and I had a feeling that I had to wear some color. Some red. 
A blazer that I never wear, but today was the perfect time. How I love color. It gives an outfit so much more! 
Okay an all black outfit is really nice too, but you get my point right :) I was on my way to the store opening
of Smaak Amsterdam. Gorgeous bags! But more about that later. Enjoy your weekend!