Monday, June 30, 2014


Fashion Attacks outfit recap of June
Fashion Attacks outfit recap of June
Fashion Attacks outfit recap of June

Wauw time flies when you are having fun! Hello July, goodbye June. You were so good to me. June was a month with stress, but also with a lot of happy moments. I had my last exam project that I passed and tomorrow I will officially graduate! Can not wait. This month I also came to the conclusion that I do not know what study to do next year. That means that I am gonna have a break, but with fulltime work I hope. It is time to search for a job as a graphic designer and to life the adult life. Kinda scary, but I am ready for it! Let's do this. 

So because June is over it was time for a recap. My 7 outfits that I posted on Fashion Attacks! Which one is your favorite? I still adore the floral shorts from Zara.
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