Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Azuka fluffy coat - ONLY T-Shirt - H&M scarf, bag - C&A coated jeans - Mag Creative Footwear shoes - ANT Origins beanie

Hello fluffy coat. An item that I still like to wear, it adds so much more to a simple outfit. Just a white t-shirt and a black jeans tadaaa! Oh and how do you like my beanie? Actually not mine, stole it from my brother. He still do not knows it. Sorry brother, but I had to show this beanie :)

At the moment I am going to school again, sadly my holiday is over. Did a lot of things, went to Antwerp, a shopping/culture date with Janneke, event with Sharon and lovely other bloggers and more. I was so into the holiday mood that I had to get used to school again. New project, new tests and almost my final exams. Kinda weird how fast these 4 years went. Unbelievable. I enjoyed it every minute, of course with ups and downs but I can not imagine to leave this school and my classmates and to start all over again with a new study. Still curious how next year will look, but first I am gonna enjoy the last few months. Enjoy your day! 

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