Monday, August 19, 2013


HEMA huge towel, headphone - Beaver bril sunglasses - H&M bikini (old) - Garnier sunmilk - Apple iPod

Vamos a la play oh oh oh. When I was thinking about a summer title this song came up, now it is stuck in my head. What I wanted to show is what I take with me to the beach! The beach in Holland is not very pretty, a dark grey sea, no palm trees, a lot of beach shelters and kids who are running with their shovel and bucket. Typical Dutch I guess.. I did it too when I was a little kid, but now I take my (very old I know) iPod with me, lying on my super huge towel and have a lot of fun with friends. Do not mind at all, but sometimes I think about that time when I was searching for jellyfishes and shrimps in the sea with my brothers. Do you have an item that you definitely bring with you to the beach? 

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