Saturday, August 24, 2013


Persunmall blazer - ONLY shirt - H&M striped shirt, necklace - Zara jeans - Converse All Stars

Back from my holiday with a comfy look. Still in love with this jeans, to add a little more to this look I wear a striped shirt under this black shirt. Today I hope to find time to edit my holiday photos. A bit sad that I am in Holland again, but school starts Monday. A part of my body says yay and the other part says no! My final year, it will be a though year with projects and exams. I am also in a whole new class cause I chose a different sector than my friends, sadly but I also can not wait to meet new people! Even though it is August it feels for me like a new year with a fresh start. I even have to think about my next study, will it be something with fashion, lifestyle & design, journalism or something totally different? Gosh I do not know.. 

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