Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Primark blouse and jeans - H&M bag - Picure boots

I shot these photos with my dads lens, I am really in the mood to know how my camera works (after 8 months). This lens can work better with the light, said my dad. All those lenses and numbers I do not really get it! What I only want is to have photos like Stylescrapbook and AfterDRK. Time to practise and practise cause I really have a love for photography, but who doesn't? Yesterday I was wearing a more winter outfit, black, white and a bit of brown from the horses. These kind of outfits feel good when the weather is horrible and you actually do not know what to wear! A blouse that I do not often wear but I really like. Do you have an item in your closet that you really love, but sadly not often wear?

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