Sunday, February 23, 2014


H&M sport green top, grey top, legging - Xenos towel - Nike running sneakers

When you follow me on Instagram you probably knew that I started with fitness. I am addicted! At the moment I try to sport twice a week. Now when I have my holiday three times. But why did I started to sport? A few people asked me 'why would you sport? You are already skinny' 'You do not need that'. Jep I am skinny, but no I do not sport to loose weight. Not at all!

Because of my study Graphic Design I sit a lot behind my laptop. And then I mean A LOT. Since a couple of years I had pain in my back/neck, huge headaches, slept worst and I was lazy as hell. There was no energy. It was definitely time to sport, but me as a pussy did not want to sport alone. Oh no! At an evening with my friends we decided to sign in at the fitness. It was time and I was so excited! So since that moment I sport twice a week and most of the time alone. Can you believe it. Right now I feel better than ever. I have much more energy, my body feels better (besides the muscle pain) and I am happier.

So if you recognize yourself in this story, sport really helps! And a big bonus you also get in shape :) Another big big bonus, you can buy new sport clothes.

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