Friday, September 6, 2013


Yes you are still on Fashion Attacks! This is what I did on the 5th day of my holiday on Madeira. Beautiful right?! I am that type of girl that can not lie at the swimming pool all day. So what have I done that day.. Well I climbed and walked and climbed! 3 km is not much, but we started around 11 o'clock and we were at the car at 4 o'clock. Tough but so worth it WOW! I was wearing my denim dungarees, a white shirt (in the end of the day it was brown) and my New Balance for the walk. Can you imagine, it was hard for me to not slip away on the rocks with my New Balance, I saw people with flip flops... Fun to see! For now I hope you liked the photos and my little friend on my camera :)
Happy weekend!

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