Monday, September 29, 2014


Fashion Attacks outfit recap of September
Fashion Attacks outfit recap of September
Fashion Attacks outfit recap of September

My outfits from the month September! It was such an amazing month. I participated with the Specsavers Brildrager van het jaar awards, got a call from Samsung that I will be featured in Vogue (oh my!), another feature in a magazine and I went to the Dutch Film Festival with a new outfit by The Sting, walked on the red carpet and had the best night ever! More about that soon. What was your favorite moment of this month?

But because September is over, we all know that summer is almost over too. And that means... big knits and sweaters! I think that the recap of October will be a little different. Do not care at all, who is with me? Oh and do not forget to pick a favorite outfit, let me know which one! Mine are uhm... 1,2 and 5!

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