Tuesday, October 30, 2012


HEMA nail polish

A couple days ago I was in the city searching for new lipsticks. Came home with nail polish.
Most of the time I buy nail polish at Hema, not expensive because I polish my nails every two
or three days. And when I buy expensive make-up/nail polish I don't use it very often, because 
I think it's too beautiful to use. It will be in my make-up stash forever. 

Back to the point! I was there for some lipsticks and I tried to walk with a BIG bow along the
nail polish, but the lipsticks were standing next to the nail polish. I just had to take a look and
when I saw there was a new collection (Christmas collection already! Men every year it's earlier!) 
I couldn't resist! I couldn't even chose, beautiful colors everywhere! So after staring for an hour 
I picked these four. A nice silver, dark mint green, lavender and a light yellow. The yellow 
for summer, because I always search for yellow in the summer and then I can't find yellow 
nail polish. Now I only have to wait 8 months... Today I was wearing the lavender color
and I think that this color is more for summer. Maybe it's also the problem that I don't really
like the color. (Why did I bought it?) Just want to try this color, mom likes it so I made
someone else happy! So that was the story behind these nail polishes, what are you favorites?

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