Monday, January 27, 2014

MBFWA 2014

Rebecca Ward - Gorgeous dresses with amazing prints, but also with leather!

Winde Rienstra - Heels from coconut leaves. Much respect for the models! Winde used a lot of mohair with silver wire and crystal. All that together was a beautiful effect. Give me that last dress wow!

Oh dear,  had to edit more than 300 photos of Fashion Week! But it is done. Last Sunday I went to five shows: Dorhout Mees, Rebecca Ward, Tony Cohen, Ratna HO and Winde Rienstra. The last one was definitely my favorite and also Tony Cohen. Can not really choose... I selected my favorite and best photos, it was pretty hard to take pictures. Or there are heads on it or they are blurry as hell. That is why I do not have any photos of Tony Cohen, Dorhout Mees and Ratna HO. So enjoy these ones!

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