Friday, February 8, 2013


H&M cardigan, bag, beanie, necklace - The Sting denim blouse - Primark blouse - Kurt Geiger loafers 

Yesterday I had my last day at my internship, it's weird. You are everyday there, 5 months and now 
it's over. A bit sad, cause I am gonna miss it! Time flies when you're having fun and that's so true,
these 5 months went so fast! I still know how I thought about the internship in the beginning. 
10 September was the first day and I thought, how am I gonna survive this.. No school, no friends,
no vacation and you really get a rhythm. Sleeping, working, eating and sleeping! 
But now when I look back it wasn't that bad, I had really nice things to do for clients and I even
had the opportunity to style the fashion shoot for the magazine Tulp! When you're doing an
internship you can get amazing opportunities, first I was scared, it's new and can I do it? But I tell
you take the chance, cause maybe you'll never get the chance again to do it! Now it's time for my second 
internship. I start Monday and it's a different company then the first one. They design logos, posters
and some things for L'oreal & Vichy. Let's hope that it will be fun.. now I am gonna enjoy this weekend!

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